Thursday, March 19, 2020

LINC in the time of Covid-19

I don't know if it really is the end of the world as we know it, but it certainly feels like it.

Overnight my colleagues and I were jettisoned into the realm of online teaching. For the higher levels, it is no doubt much easier. For me, with CLB 4, it is not too bad. But I really feel for instructors of CLB 1 or 2 students, many of whom never attended school in their home countries!

On Friday we left the college believing that on Monday we'd have classes as normal, along with a couple of workshops to prepare for online instruction, should that become necessary.

The reality: on Sunday we learned that in-person classes were cancelled and instruction would move to online.

I had already prepared some materials for the week, so it was simply a matter of altering them slightly, uploading to their Moodle book, and changing the instructions so students would know how to send me their work. I gave them three options -- they could write their answers in the email body, they could write their answers on paper and send me a photo, or they could email me and attach their work in a Word document. 

On Monday we were told not to worry about teaching any content this week; our main concern should be to contact our students.

In a matter of hours, we had formed a class WhatsApp group, missing only 4 or 5 of the 21 students. I directed them to their Moodle Book, and since then I have received numerous emails with their writing and texts telling me about the reading and listening they've done.

Here at home, I was scrambling to learn to use Blackboard Collaborate Ultra. Fortunately, it is easy to learn, and I was able to prepare a session to introduce students to the system. The plan is to have a short session on Friday to make sure everyone knows how to join and participate, and on Monday (fingers crossed!) we should be ready to roll.

I've also spent time with a couple of other tools: Screencast-o-matic, which allows you to make simple videos quickly and easily, and EdPuzzle, which allows you to edit videos and add mini quizzes. 

I said I wanted to learn to use technology in teaching! Here is my chance!

1 comment:

  1. Continue with this course and be sure to update me if you find other applications, programs, etc that are more suitable. I want to be able to upgrade and roll out this course for the next session. I think we are all learning by the seat of our pants. And yes, we may continue to have face to face sessions after this traumatic event is over but I do believe COVID-19 will forever change the way we teach online.
